Global Chinese Golden Chart

全球流行音樂金榜於2009年11月正式成立,每星期由七大創榜台(加拿大中文電台、台灣Hit FM聯播網、中國中央人民廣播電台Music Radio音樂之聲、City FM城市之音聯播網、馬來西亞MY FM、新加坡UFM 100.3及美國洛杉磯 AM1300中文電台)根據DJ評選(30%)、電台播放率(30%)及聽眾票選(40%)而釐定每週20大上榜歌曲 (按此連接本星期榜單),再在七大創榜台和全球聯盟電台作廣泛宣傳和播放,被唱片業及廣播界公認為最有影響力的華語流行音樂指標。 全球流行音樂金榜每半年會總結成績評選出「半年度20大金曲」,每年亦會依據榜單成績(60%)再加專業音樂人評分(40%)而選出「年度20大金曲」,以及男女歌手、作曲作詞等項目的得獎人。

The Global Chinese Golden Chart (GCGC) tabulates the weekly popularity of Chinese pop songs around the world (click here for this week’s GCGC chart). It has been recognized as the international standard of global Chinese music industry. The Chart is jointly launched by 7 largest Chinese-speaking radio stations in 2009, including Fairchild Radio in Canada. Chart rankings are based on radio play and audience voting in Canada, Taiwan, China, Malaysia, Singapore and the United States.

全球流行音樂金榜 北美慶功演唱會
GCGC North America Concert

首兩屆全球流行音樂金榜頒獎禮分別於台北及北京舉行 (按此連接首兩屆金榜的頒獎盛况),得獎的頂尖中港台歌手包括蔡依林、周杰倫、張惠妹、王力宏、梁靜茹、林俊傑、羅志祥、S.H.E、倪安東、張杰、韓庚、五月天等。今年適逢加拿大中文電台二十週年,第三屆全球流行音樂金榜將會衝出亞洲,在加拿大舉行首次北美慶功演唱會,2013年5月17日於 The Centre 溫哥華大劇院隆重登場。究竟哪幾位天王天后會親臨溫哥華,以精彩的舞台演出答謝海外樂迷的愛戴?按此連接全球流行音樂金榜北美演唱會的歌星陣容票務資料

The first two Global Chinese Golden Chart Awards were huge success, held in Taipei and Beijing respectively in 2011 & 2012 (click here for past GCGC Awards photos and news). To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Fairchild Radio, the 2013 Global Chinese Golden Chart Awards will have its first ever North America concert taken place in Vancouver, Canada. Which super stars are coming to town to perform in the GCGC North America Concert at The Centre on May 17, 2013? Click here for the performing cast and ticketing information.